2 Sept 2014

cottonmouth moccasins

cottonmouth moccasins.

*the cottonmouth moccasiccasin lives in Southeastern United States from Florida to Texas it is found in pools and swamps' ponds 'streams
*they have and hemotoxic venom at breaks down tissues and blood cells the bite is extremely painful and can be fatal but it does not bite humans that much
*they are relatively large 2 to 4 feet long brown and yellow skin and with cat pupils

27 May 2014

amoug the hidden

im hoping that luke find a way to stop the child law so that he can be free to go back to his famliy
and live happy

20 Feb 2014

water safety

Water Safety was so fun. There were so many fun things to do, it was so cold outside the pool. Glad we were in the pool most of the time. My favorite activity was snorkeling. I usually go snorkling up the coast and I also liked the raft one. My group went first and we got to use oars and we dived off backwards. I was the first back on and helped the others back on.

14 Feb 2014

the top is some cemical reaction and the bottom is maths with towel paper and mashmalow and hard noodle and we got to eat it after not the towel paper thow with the cemical reaction it was scince with one we missed redbull and milk and the second is milk food coloring and dish washing liquid